At Sergeant Roberts .com we Mourn with those who mourn. — Sergeant Roberts Blog

Dancing In The Sky Decals by Sergeant Roberts

Posted by Sergeant Roberts on

Dancing In The Sky Decals by Sergeant Roberts
At Sergeant Roberts you will find a vast selection of professionally crafted "Dancing In The Sky" window decals for your vehicle or for any other non-porous surface. We offer custom decals if you can't find what you are looking for....5 Star Review - Dancing In The Sky - Decal at

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Why did Sergeant Roberts create this store?

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Why did Sergeant Roberts create this store?

On August 29th 2016 I received a call at 2 AM from my Dad, he was panic stricken and asked for me to pray for my mom.. he went on to explain that she had just had a heart attack and was being driven by ambulance to the hospital about 45 miles away and then to be flown to a major City for care.  The 2nd phone call about 2 hours later brought the news that she died in route.  She was 72 and I was 52 at that time.  My life changed forever that early morning.  Unlike many who would get...

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